
Hotel and restaurant owners have unique needs. We can tailor a policy to match your situation.
The hospitality industry has unique property coverage needs due to the nature of the business. Some important features of our coverage include:
- Hurricane/tornado coverage
- Ordinance/codes coverage
- Business income...first day coverage
- Extended business income during ramp up
Operating an establishment open to the public exposes you to a wide variety of liability risks. Liability insurance can help to reduce your risk.
- General Liability (Slip and falls)
- Employment Practices Liability (Harassment)
- Cyber Liability (Hacking)
- Crisis Liability (Shootings)
Workers Comp
Our NEW Workers Compensation Plan sponsored by theTennessee Hospitality & Tourism Association, gives EXTRA SPECIAL discounts to members of the Association.
BUT what else is great is their CLAIMS service. They have a direct hotline for the employee to call. The staff answering the phone are all medical professionals. The Employee who may be injured seriously, is not sitting at home wondering where their next check is coming from.
You work hard to create a safe working environment for your employees. Now you can be rewarded for a low-claims experience through the Tennessee Hospitality Association’s special plan.
EPLI – Employment Practice Liability Insurance
EPLI Insurance covers your business in the event of a lawsuit by an employee. Employment Practices Liability Insurance covers items such as:
- Discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination
- Third Party employee liability
- Wage & Hour
- Immigration coverage
When the unexpected happens, you can be prepared. Catastrophic coverage protects you from major incidents that could destroy your business.
- Flood -- Any water rising is considered a flood...Huge flash downpour can cause them...Infrastructure clog is another cause.
- Earthquake -- Priced by ZONE. The Virginia quake affected several Washington DC Monuments and federal buildings.
- Mold/Mildew -- Property damage due to leakage and dampness. Liability – guest gets sick or has a reaction to mold/mildew.
- Cyber Liability -- Credit card info compromised. Visa/Mastercard operation was shut down due to PCI non compliance.
- Identity Theft -- Pays the cost of restoration.
- Crisis Management -- Workplace violence requires counseling. Requires Image Restoration and Public Relations.
- Umbrella Liability-- Provides substantial additional protection.